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How to discover the purpose of your life and work

How to discover the purpose of your life and work

Why is this important?

We are all born with most aspects of our lives already defined for us. Our economic status, cultural identity, personality, core values, and habits await us when we are born. For many people, this predetermined life is lived without question throughout life. This naturally extends to our work, our relationships, and how we view the world.

what would happen?

Because all of this has been decided for us, most of us live our lives on autopilot. When it comes to our work, we often take on the same jobs our parents did. Or we may take their philosophy about our work. We may have jobs just to support our families, without thinking about whether or not work makes us happy. We may get used to making a lot of money, and soon get into a lot of debt. We think there is no way out except by upgrading and moving upward to make more money. We think we’ll get out of debt one day and then finally do something we enjoy more. We may hold on to jobs we don’t like out of fear that others, especially our loved ones, might leave or reject us if we were to seek more joyful work. Even worse, we feel inner guilt and selfishness because we want more out of our work lives.

What is your position?

A famous Japanese proverb says that vision without action is a daydream and action without vision is a nightmare. Spiritual leader Gandhi Mohandas believed that you should be the change you want to see in the world.

if. What about you?

What change would you like to see in the world? Is this reflected in your work and what you do every day? Is your work joyful and full of meaning?

Does the reason for doing this work make sense to you?

Do you jump out of bed in the morning, fumbling over yourself to get dressed because you’re so excited to get to work? If not, read on….

How do you get started?

While I believe the world would be a better place if everyone did the work we love, this is still a challenge for many people. It all starts with a purpose. Although I think it would be great if each of us had a special purpose like Mother Teresa did, the special purpose will always be different for each person.

There are so many things in the world that really bother me.

For example:

It bothers me that in many societies we have lost this sense of place and togetherness.

It saddens me that more than 20,000 people die of starvation every day.

It frustrates me that in America many people do not have access to or cannot afford proper health care.

In fact, I have many personal missions to make this world a better place, and I would like to spend my life pursuing them. But I’m also a realist—I know that to make a real difference, one must choose and focus on one single reason that motivates them to get up in the morning.

For the second half of my life, I chose to focus on helping people over 40 find more happiness in their work. It is a discipline that I have studied and experienced and feel I can make a contribution.

So I spend my time trying to improve the quality of life one person at a time by helping them do more of what they love in connection with their work.

Can you come up with a core niche you’re passionate about?

The challenges you will face

When you define and pursue your purpose in your life and work, sometimes you will be lonely. You will find yourself surrounded by many people just like you who simply work at jobs without desire or passion. They only work for pay. While this is important, it is not enough after we turn forty.

After forty, it is imperative to find a way, not only to survive, but to thrive, feeling excited about every working day. This is a feeling worth feeling. It will leave you breathless and will affect everyone around you.

The other day, I spoke to a San Francisco street artist who spends his days painting murals, which he sells for five dollars each. As I watched him create his masterpiece, it occurred to me that while his work was not my passion, just watching his joy at work inspired me.

How to defeat the critics

First, define your purpose. Then tell everyone you meet about it. This will help boost your track. Then plan to spend most of your day focusing on activities aligned with your goal.

That’s the solution – it’s simple, but it takes discipline, courage and what some might consider a huge risk. In middle age, society encourages those over forty to be safe and secure.

Your time is now!

After forty, there is a great risk for your life and those around you not to do what you love. This is the time to take great risks and gather the courage to break free from your predetermined life. This is the time to create more joy and meaning in your life.

The shortcut to a happy life is setting your goal and executing it with enthusiasm and energy!

You will never look back, and along the way, you will inspire others to do the same.

As always, I’ll cheer you on as you go.

Craig Nathanson

Craig Nathanson is the author of “P Is For Perfect: Your Perfect Vancy Day” and a coaching expert who works with people over 40. Craig’s new e-book, Find and Live Your Passion 365 Days a Year is a workshop in a box designed to help busy adults get crazy about their work. Craig’s methodical approach, the brand’s “Ten P” process, helps people loosen up and advance toward the work they love. Visit Craig’s online community at Where you can take a class, get more insights with Craig Nathanson books and tablets, take private coaching over the phone or read other stories of midlife change and renewal.

Craig lives in Fairfax, California. You can reach him at 415-457-0550 or at

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